Adele debuts another top album

Monika Miranda, Staff Writer

British singer Adele released her third album titled “25” on November 20 after two years of recording it.

The album is said to be a reflection of her when she was 24 and the frame of mind she had at that age. After having suffered from writer’s block, Adele is at it again with her work following her son’s birth. Many people anticipated the release of her album since her last one in 2011, “21.”

As predicted, the album has already broken records. On the first day of it’s release, more than 900 thousand copies were sold. Her single “Hello” has been No. 1 on Billboard’s Top 100 for several weeks already.
Although CD and download copies will be available, the album will not be available on any streaming services. This is because “She’s benefiting from paid subscriptions, but she’s using this as an opportunity to try and sell more CD’s or downloads” according to the chief executive of streaming company “Deezer.”
All fourteen songs have moved people from around the world. Her lyrics continue to be very emotional and speak of experiences faced by everyone.