Chicago Tribune to relocate in 2018

During a visit to The Chicago Tribune, members of the Announcer staff learn about the history of The Chicago Tribune and Tribune Tower from Editor Page Editor, John McCormick.

Maggie Roache, Staff Writer

Tribune Tower was officially sold to LA based CIM group for $240 million, marking the end of media ownership for the building. The future of the building is likely to be mixed use development. Chicago developer Golub & Co partnered with CIM to buy the tower, with plans to “redevelop the parcel”, adding buildings to maximize the space with residential, retail and hotel components.

This was the most recent installation in the Tribune Media’s attempt to sell its entire $1 billion real estate. Tribune Media will move out of the historic, Chicago landmark building, but will remain in Chicago.

Gianna Gordon, a senior at Nazareth who went down to Trib Tower for work at The Mash once every four weeks last year described her love for the building. “It made me feel so professional,” she said.

“Everyone that works in the Tribune tower knew how special that place was, and walked around with such class. Walking into the hall of inscription will forever be my favorite part.”

She continued by explaining how sad the sale of the building and its conversion to residential, retail components makes her. “I think a huge part of who Chicago is, is the Tribune. It’s an extremely famous and renowned paper around the world, and to see something go after so many years is heartbreaking.”