Circle the City is a great service project for the senior class. It is a one day project where the seniors travel to different locations serving people in need, developing skills necessary to live out the peace and justice that they studied this year. The Circle the City project is one of the required service components of senior year. This year, Circle the City took place on May 17, 2012, which was the second to last day of school for the seniors. The seniors signed up for a location to go to on May 9th in the dining hall before school. Buses transported the seniors to the different service sites in the morning.
This year, the senior class had to choose between 13 different sites. Several options included going to the Hodgkin’s School to assist grade school students at various age levels, participating in the Des Plaines River Valley Restoration Project to help restore the environment, assisting at Saint Vincent DePaul with Pre-K daycare for low income families, supporting Misericordia to assist people with disabilities, and serving at the Mantle of Port Ministries to help the poor and homeless.
“This is a really cool way for the seniors to spend their last few days together,” said senior religion teacher Mr. Tumpane. Each option provided the seniors with a great opportunity for service to different people across the Chicagoland area. From working in classrooms, to serving dinner to families, to cleaning the environment, the service project proved to be an eye opening and informative experience for students and teachers alike.
Senior Clement Wink, who attended Misericordia, stated that, “It was a great day to work with my fellow students to help the community. It made me feel motivated to do more work in the future in order to help others and share my privileges with other people.”