Blanket Buddies is a unique extracurricular as it is open to everyone involved with the Nazareth community, whether it be students from all four classes, teachers and faculty, or even the sisters from the Congregation of St. Joseph.
The group meets and ties blankets to be delivered to patients in the ICU unit at Loyola University Medial Center. Students have the opportunity to bond together over the making of these special blankets and to sign a dedication card which the patient is given.
Mrs. Caragher and Campus Ministry have recently received some thank yous from patients and their families and they would like to share them with the entire Nazareth community:
“Just a note to thank the Blanket Buddies for making a beautiful blanket that was given to my sister by Father Juan. It was greatly appreciated.”
From L. Koca
“The blanket I received when I was a patient at Loyola Hospital played a big part in my recovery. Now, at home, it is my constant companion. My special thanks to — Matthew, Rebecca, & Kaity.”
From M. Sorocinsky
“We want to express our sincere appreciation for the caring and prayers that the students in the Blanket Buddies project put into creating the lovely lavender blanket that Fr. Medina brought to us at Loyola. The blanket brought comfort to Ellen and gave us all a sense of real peace during her last days. God bless you all!”
From the family of S. Paoehlman
Blanket Buddies is making a real, positive impact in people’s lives! Everyone is encouraged to come to the next meeting in the beginning of January. Blanket Buddies is held in the Library from 3:00-4:30; participants do not need to stay for the entire duration.
gabs gofis • Jan 30, 2013 at 3:52 pm
how can i get involved?