Nazareth Academy Turns the Lights Out on Cancer

Nazareth Academy Turns the Lights Out on Cancer

Maggie Roache, Staff Writer

1 out of 4 deaths in the US is caused by cancer. Every day, 1,500 people will die from cancer this year. Cancer is something that affects everyone’s lives, as the Nazareth student body could clearly see during the moving part of the winter assembly when a glow stick was lit every time someone knew a certain person who was affected by cancer, uniting them in illumination.

Because cancer affects everyone, everyone has a personal reason they want to help with the research towards a cure. Because of reasons like this, Relay for Life was a hit among Nazareth students. However, this year, many were shocked and devastated when they learned that it had been canceled. Student council snapped into action, determined to plan a variation of the event in order to please both students and the administration. As Madi Lozanoski, who headed this event for student council, expressed, “We found out Relay was canceled in the beginning of the year, and I as well as many students were overcome with sadness as Relay was not only a fun time but a great way to come together as a community and fight against cancer. So student council worked diligently with the administration which lead to to the first annual Lights out For Cancer.”

The money from admission and ticket sales, along with the money made from raffles, is all being donated to the American Cancer Society.

So what should one expect from this event? Food, provided by Q-BBQ and the Hot Dog Company, music, including Something’s Not Right, and much more. Or, as Lozanoski put it, “Expect to have a really good time with friends and fellow students while raising money for an amazing cause! There will be food, games, live entertainment and much more!”

And who could forget the fact that Stylz & Roman from B96 will also be part of the entertainment. Lozanoski, who originally reached out to them, mentioned her excitement towards their attendance. “At first I thought it may be a stretch as B96 is one of the most popular radio stations in Chicago,” she state. “I decided to give it a shot though and the response was so exciting! Stylz & Roman responded with an overwhelming excitement in participating in this great event! I honestly was so ecstatic because I knew how excited all the students would be because of how well known B96 and Stylz and Roman are!”

Devinne Love, who is heading the publicity for this event, mentioned what she was most excited about, which is “…to see everyone come together for such an amazing cause. It will be great to see how much money we raise because I know how hard student council has worked to get this event going.”

It seems that student council has pulled out all the stops for this event, but how will it compare to Relay for Life that so many students loved? Sydney Stancik, who planned the memorial ceremony for Lights Out for Cancer, answered, “Considering the unmatched spirit and generosity of the Nazareth community, I know that LO4C will be just as successful as Relay for Life.” Lozanoski added, “I believe everyone will love Lights out just as much as Relay, Its a great opportunity for our Nazareth community to come together to fight against cancer, remember those who have lost the battle and have a good time in the process!”

Stancik planned the ceremony that will be in the middle of the event, saying, “We really wanted to emphasize the true meaning and purpose of this event. The memorial ceremony is meant to calm things down and remind everyone of why we are all gathered together- to raise awareness for this remarkable cause.” The ceremony will be 45 minutes based on unity and prayer, honoring those we have already lost to cancer, and raising awareness. Stancik described the ceremony, saying, “In order to design the best service possible, we had to really focus on things that hit close to home for Nazareth students, which is why it is very interactive and includes many familiar faces.”

Lights Out for Cancer is on Saturday, May 17th from 6 to 10 pm. Tickets are available on for $20 or $25 at the door.

Uniting, eye-opening, unforgettable, and reverent. This is the way Stancik and Lozanoski found best to describe Lights Out for Cancer. It is an event that truly demonstrates what a group of people can accomplish when they come together and put their mind to something. It shows the spirit of the Nazareth student body and how they won’t give up and will work hard to bring back an event that will help a cause so dear to many of their hearts. As Love put it, “Not only will it be a fun event, it will be a benefiting one. We will have the opportunity to help save lives. You can’t put a price on that. It will also be very unforgettable. The seniors and juniors still remember Relay and how much it meant to us to make a difference. Everyone should be given that chance to help out even if it is a small way.”