Nazareth adds new water stations
Senior Alyssa Vondrasek takes advantage of the new water stations. Unseasonably hot temperatures in the first week of September made staying hydrated essential.
September 13, 2015
Nazareth has been busy with renovations and adding to the school this year. One of the most talked about renovations has been the new water stations. These filling stations can be found throughout the halls at Nazareth. They have been provided so that students can refill their water bottles during the day. Many students say that these water stations have been a great improvement made to Naz.
Sophomore Kevin Quinn says, “They’re great. They make filling your water bottle up so much easier and faster.”
Not only have these water stations provided an easier way to get water, but they are also eco-friendly. The “Green Ticker” counts the amount of bottles saved from landfills.
Senior Misty Gonzalez says, “The new filling stations remind the Naz students daily how we are trying to incorporate going green. When I go fill up my water bottle, the digital screen that outputs the number of bottles filled just keeps increasing. I am now aware of how grateful we are to have sanitary water and at the same time help our environment. These new stations are a minor move but impact majorly.”
The stations have a sensor to indicate when the water bottle is being placed under it for a refill as well. They are set to automatically shut off after 30 seconds.
Nazareth has made a move towards an eco-friendly school building. By going green, students will be helping the Earth by the seemingly mundane and simple act of getting water.