Annual Small Business Saturday attracts shoppers
December 14, 2016
Between the big business craziness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the country takes a break to support their local small businesses, on Small Business Saturday. The first ever Small Business Saturday was held on November 27, 2010 to help small businesses get more customers during the holiday season, when they are often forgotten.
Since then, the event has grown exponentially with the support of American Express. The U.S. Senate officially recognized the day in 2011. In 2014, $14.3 billion was spent at small independent businesses on the day, and in 2015, the event continued to make history when 95 million people went out to shop at small businesses!
Although the original purpose was to help local businesses, Small Business Saturday also benefits the communities where these businesses are located. Money spent at small businesses helps keep each individual’s town growing. Therefore, the money you spend on Small Business Saturday ultimately circles back to help you. Many participated in Small Business Saturday on November 26th.