A+ for activity period
October 18, 2019
With this year’s new block schedule came another new period: a 30-minute activity period scheduled on blue and white days.
During this time, students have options of going to a collaborative work space, the gym, quiet study halls, the media center, out for some fresh air, or to simply hang out in designated areas of the school. The activity period is one of the key ways that the block schedule allows students to relieve stress.A survey was sent out to all students by Ms. Hawkins, and of the 446 students who responded, 95.3% report liking or really liking the Activity Period. The survey revealed the top three locations for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors are the dining hall, Springer Hall and the Medial Center. The favorite spots for Freshmen are Springer Hall and the Media Center.
Senior Ella Tolimieri is a fan of the activity period as it reminds her of childhood recess. “I love it. It’s a time to relax and hang out with people.” She spends most of her time in the Walsh Gym. Tolimieri goes on to say, “You get a good break from school, get your energy out, and can get food if you’re hungry.”
“You get a mental break from classes,” says Junior Ryan Nortier who also has a positive outlook on the new period. He says, “It’s better than expected.” He spends most activity periods in the dining hall. “I get to eat snacks and do my homework, it’s great.” Freshman Jedon Surondron explains that the period serves as a nice break from the longer class periods.
Dom Virelli • Dec 13, 2019 at 2:50 pm
Great article Luk!