English and Theology teacher Madi Moster returns to school at Nazareth Academy this year, but this time she is not a student dressed in a polo, plaid skirt and black shoes. Moster’s new role is as a member of the Nazareth faculty.
Moster grew up in Clarendon Hills and graduated in the Nazareth class of 2017. She went on to study at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she double majored in English and Education. “In high school, I was really into languages, so I thought I might end up being an interpreter, or a tour guide in a foreign country,” said Moster.
Those plans changed when the idea of becoming a teacher came to Moster shortly after she graduated from high school. Moster’s love for her own high school experience at Naz greatly influenced what she wanted career-wise. “I love teaching now, so I’m so glad that I did. I’m so grateful for my amazing teachers and it’s unreal that I get to work beside them now,” said Moster.
It was no surprise as for why she went the route of English, since she has a passion for the subject. “I love reading, I love writing and I really love talking about what I read and discussing it,” Moster said. She sees Theology in much the same way and says the subjects go hand in hand.
She finds reading to not only be work for her but also an enjoyable way to relax in her free time. “Reading is a huge hobby of mine, I love to read. People always ask me if I have a favorite book, it’s impossible to pick one, but right now I am obsessed with memoirs,” said Moster.
After she graduated from Marquette in 2021, she continued to live in Milwaukee for two additional years because she fell in love with all the city had to offer. But the city is not the only thing she fell in love with: Moster met her fiancé, another teacher at Marquette. The two will be getting married this coming November and she is so excited.
Moster sees her return to Naz as her “full circle era.” She has recently moved back to the place where she grew up and spent her formative years. This time around as an adult, a woman in the workplace and an impending bride.
Moster highlighted how excited she was to not only be teaching at her alma mater but teaching her sister Audrey, who is a senior this year. Moster enjoys being able to see her sister every day and that it is one of the best perks of moving back to her hometown. “I’m really excited to be teaching my sister, it’s really funny, but also really cool, because she’s an awesome kid,” said Moster.
Monster looks forward to this and many years ahead at Nazareth. “I hope that I show everybody how far I’ve come since I was a student here and make everyone proud.”