Part Time Jobs Offer Full Time Benefits
January 14, 2014

Are part time jobs really worth it? Between grueling hours of homework and test preparation, countless activities, and a daily sport, adding in another commitment during high school may push students off the edge.
But although they can be time consuming and maybe sometimes mess with priorities, there are several obvious benefits of working during high school years. A steady source of income can go towards helping parents out financially, going out on the weekends, or even saving up for the infamous college expenses. A job builds a certain kind of confidence that is hard to find elsewhere; both interviews and interactions with diverse customers, clients, or children are beneficial for practices in politeness and professionalism.
Nazareth students seem to generally agree that part time jobs offer a valuable experience. Senior DJ Rybski is an experienced photographer and film director who still participates in baseball and Campus Ministry.
“I learned quickly how to manage my time,” says DJ. Adjusting may not be as quick for everyone, but giving it a try is worth a shot.
Contrary to the belief that too many activities frazzles students, he claimed “an extra responsibility has definitely helped [him keep his] schedule a little more organized.”
Similarly, senior Lauren Adduci is kept busy caddying in the summer and weekends throughout the school year. Adduci talked highly of having a job, highlighting major skills teenagers need to have for the future: “responsibility, prioritization and determination.”
At the same time, students still recognize the time consumption and feel the strain that it causes.
Rybski explained that it wasn’t necessarily challenging having a part time job during the school year,“but sometimes [he’ll] come home late and still have to get a few things done.” He admits, “[At times] I’m forced to rush the assignment, but overall, it really hasn’t hurt me too bad.”
Adduci communicated that often she “sacrifices [her] social life and time spent with [her] family on the weekends so that [she] can earn money to help pay off [her] high school tuition.” Unfortunately, sometimes it is necessary to cut back on free time spent with others when you are employed.
In the same way, junior Becca Letcher often struggles to find time to babysit throughout the school year. She juggles cross country, basketball, the musical and other clubs along with her job, noting, “Balancing babysitting is quite difficult during the week, especially the weekdays. I even had to turn down a babysitting job this week because of extensive work for my research paper.”
It is great to be involved in school, and when parents and teachers implore that academics come first, they are right. However, juggling school and a part time job is definitely possible. A job offers improvement in youth’s responsibility, dedication, time management, organization and money-saving (and unfortunately sometimes money-spending) skills. However, learning how to spend money wisely at a younger age can carry over similar wise techniques throughout a lifetime.
Adduci nicely summarizes the holistic positive effects of not only her job, caddying, but of part-time jobs in general.
“It is truly a great life experience… I have learned numerous lessons that cannot be taught in a textbook.”