Student Spotlight: Ana Theriault ’18

Maggie Roache, Editor in Chief

Freddie Fanatics’ videos have the been the highlight of Fridays for a few years now, but this year everyone agrees that they were taken to the next level, due in no small part to the professional filmmaking of Ana Theriault, Class of 2018. The Announcer had the chance to sit down with Theriault and ask her a few questions about filmmaking, the documentary she is working on, and her plans for a new club at Nazareth.


Announcer: What got you interested in film?

Ana Theriault: I used to watch random short films on Youtube made by kids just like me and it inspired me to give it a go myself.

Announcer: How did you get involved in Freddie Fanatic videos?

AT: I was asked by Finbar to help out with the first video. Never did I think it would become one of the highlights of football season and one of the best ways to spread Roadrunner spirit. Making each video was tough, with the schedules of all the fanatics, and coming up with legitimate content felt impossible. On top of that, I will spend at least 3 hours editing each video. Some days, it feels more like a job rather than fun.

Announcer: Tell us a little about the documentary you are working on. What’s it about? How did you get involved?

AT: The documentary I am working on with a friend of mine at Hinsdale Central is based on the Christian Group IBLP, a “cult” that was established in Hinsdale. My friend Jake and I were very interested by this mysterious “cult” so we both did our research and found some very crazy information. I have learned so much from just research, that there are some very scary people out there that blame their cruel ideas on religion. If you want to learn more, you can watch our trailers on Youngman Films on Vimeo.

Announcer: Do you plan to pursue film in college?

AT: Yes, I want to major in cinematic arts.

Announcer: What work of yours are you most proud of?

AT: I don’t have one film that I am most proud of, it really depends on my mood or the day. The Freddie Fanatic videos do always happen to put a smile on my face though.

Announcer: Is it true you are working on creating a film club at Naz? What are your hopes for this club?

AT: I’m working things out with teacher moderators and still trying to find the smartest way to go about starting this club, but the goal is to open up the art of film specifically to all students at Nazareth.